Monday, April 24, 2006


Source of Crisis/The Rich get Richer the Poor get Poorer

Economic Setup, of the Globe

Source: Stems from our economic setup, big buisness owns the globe. The very largly unrestrained captialism in our country and around the world. Globalization seems to brinning a lot of horrible greed and inequlity to every single place possible. A huge reason why the Pandemic in Africa is so signinficant is because drug companies like Pfizer want to meke huge profits with the cost of human lives.

In the US, most progressives start to see the differences between internationalism and economic globalization.
David Korten

“Power and legitimacy of the institutions of the global economy rest on the foundation of a falsified culture” there’s “Hope in both the growing citizen resistance and the evidence of an awakening of cultural consciousness that is preparing the way for deep transformational change.”

Course of Action: A solution would be to put more restraints on captialsm, by government. This would make government more powerful and companies less, but the majority of people control the government, right? People could exert some manner of control over corporations, we would still make them competetive in the global market, but without the horoundous profits no matter what the cost.

Government Corruption

Source: Congressman and senators get millions of campaign money, in return for contracts. War’s are started just so that the rich get richer, this not only makes the poor poorer, it kills them. So, in reality, the richest of the country are killing the poorest, becasuse of their greed. The profiteers are the oil and weapons corporations, and the greed of the our goverment itself.

Course of Action: The course is to push our Congressman and Senetors for as much non-corruption legislation as possible.

A government, for protecting business only, is but a carcass, and soon falls by its own corruption and decay.”

Amos Bronson Alcott


It is a lie that people will start their lives at the bottom of the economy and end up at the very top. Getting to that place is by inheritanc only. There is a culture of greed out there. The very rich come from a culture in which as much money is aquired through any means possible, and then it’s not talked about, its just. It is taboo to talk about the subject of money.

“HBO: Do you think money is America's biggest taboo topic,?” Johnson: “I really think it is. Especially for people who are rich, I think money is certainly the number one taboo topic. More inappropriate than anything else.”

Somehow the ultra rich should be spoken to, got trough to. Maybe there should be campaings to try and communicate diffrnet attitudes, and behaviours towards rich people.