Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My Original Proposals


This is very important. I was always interested in even more serious starvation in third world countries, all over the world. Africa for example. I can start learning about such extreme problems here at home, but I would like to get some basic knowledge of what’s going on there. Of course, the problems existence perpetuates the problems. People that are weak and dying, have a hard time helping themselves. There’s lack of information about agriculture, basic engineering. Lack of food underlies the extreme problem, bad weather like dry spells. The greed of the world.

Lack of Access to Basic Needs

These needs would include housing, clothes, food, medical. The number of human beings that are homeless and die in the freezing alleys at night in the US is staggering. The amount of homelessness. In the world, in third world countries, such as Taiwan is also an outcry. I would like to learn about the steps that are being taken, being planned in dealing with these problems. Then I would like to learn about proposed solutions. There is vary significant lack of basic needs in Chicago. I live in Chicago, and see this often enough.

The Media News Portrayal of What’s

This seems like an important issue for me. The major news outlets, much of the time report news that’s not very important. Major sources like CNN, NBC news, ABC news, not to mention FOX, don’t report the overwhelming violations against the people of this country done by companies and the government. Much of the time the companies and government work against the people. The news doesn’t report any of these apparent violations, unless it’s absolutely forced to. They certainly don’t look for them, don’t (gasp) investigate them. Their paid not too. The news literally reports on Cats getting stuck in trees, and celebrity gossip. They ignore, consciously look past, anything that goes against the policy sent from the government, like activism, and contrary opinions.